It’s ok to adopt a cat and get the cat declawed

I’ve been thinking about all the negative comments people shared on that Mutt’s Facebook page and on the blog when I wrote about declawing my cats.

I’m happy readers shared their opinions and that they care about the welfare of cats.

But I’m worried people missed my point.

If someone wants to adopt a cat and get that cat declawed, that is better than not adopting a cat at all.

When roughly 3 million cats are killed annually in U.S. shelters/pounds, you will not hear me go on a rampage against declawing.

I am worried that all the negativity around cat declawing is going to persuade potential adopters not to adopt a cat. The declawing issue could be too overwhelming for a potential cat owner, enough to convince her to forget about cat ownership entirely. That would be very unfortunate because cats can add a lot to a home, and there are millions of cats who could use just that.

The people who are most vocal against declawing are very uncaring about the way they deliver their message. There is a way to kindly explain to someone what cat declawing truly involves. It is not necessary or valuable to make immediate assumptions or judgments. The very animals we are defending know nothing about hate or fear or anger.

My former foster cat Ninja

My former foster cat Ninja was lucky to make it out of the pound alive. She was later adopted by my parents – two of the world’s biggest animal lovers. I knew they would make plans to have her declawed – a small price to pay for being alive and in a loving home.

People who foster cats have to make difficult decisions on who can adopt them. sometimes it’s hard to let a cat go to a home where the people would not treat a cat the way you would treat a cat. but holding onto a cat for months waiting for an “ideal” home is just not realistic if the goal is to find homes for as many cats as possible.

The declawing thing is something I can live with. Declawing is a better option than not getting a home.

And as it turns out, my parents did not declaw Ninja after all!

Many landlords require cats to be declawed

If I were a landlord, I would have some pretty strict pet policies as well.

Although most people love their pets, they are careless when it comes to training them, cleaning up after them and preventing them from damaging property. Renters are generally more careless than homeowners. Het is niet anders.

It’s easy to get around the rules and keep a cat without the landlord realizing it, but most people want to follow the rules. That means getting the cat declawed. I would hate to stop apartment dwellers from adopting cats just because they are afraid to have the cats declawed. Cats do very well living in apartment setting. Plus, they make terrific companions to the people who live there.

Will I declaw my cats?

I ordered some Soft Paws nail caps to put over my cats’ claws. I will let you know how this goes, so stay tuned for a review of this product.

If Josh and I do decide to declaw our cats, I know it will upset a lot of readers. I’ve already had several people accuse me of caring more about my couch than I do my pets.

But it’s not about choosing my couch over my cats. It’s about choosing what’s best for me and what I can live with.

My cats are here to add to my life, not make it more stressful.

Dogs and cats have a terrific ability to adapt to whatever life we give them. adaptability is their gift to us. In return, we do our best to give them a good and humane life.

I value the relationship I have with Beamer and Scout. getting them declawed would not change that. They would continue to love me just as they do now. They are animals, and they would not hold it against me.

Currently my cats are spending 15 to 20 hours per weekday in my laundry room when I am not able to supervise. So much confinement does not seem like much of a life for them, although they don’t seem to mind. Let’s remember that we are talking about cats here, not humans. Cats ask for very little.

But if my cats were able to understand the decision between 100 percent freedom without their claws or a lot less freedom with their claws, I tend to think they would choose more freedom.

I could stop worrying about a few scratches on the couch, but the thing is I really like having a nice couch. I am at a point in my life where I value the items I choose to own. This kind of value is new to me, and I see it as a good thing.

I used to look down on people who spend a lot of money on clothes, vehicles, furniture and so on. I am a very modest person and a minimalist, but I no longer look down on anyone for how she chooses to spend or save or give her money. to each her own.

As an example, I have very few clothes compared to most Americans. I have, literally, four pairs of shoes. two are running shoes. One is a casual pair of Sketchers and one is a pair of “fancier” boots. and my definition of fancy is probably pretty loose.

I have two paiRs van jeans. Totaal. Een met gaten. Een zonder.

Het is niet dat ik geen nieuwe kleren kan kopen. Ik kan, en dat doe ik. Ik geef er de voorkeur aan om minder te bezitten. Ik hou niet van rommel. Ik ben me erg bewust van wat ik bezit en wat ik wel of niet vasthouden.

Dus hier ben ik in deze gekke wereld van huisdieren waar mensen me beschuldigen van meer zorgen over mijn materiële objecten dan ik om mijn katten geef.


Thanksgiving Night Ik hield verkenner in mijn armen terwijl ik in slaap viel. Hij houdt ervan om zo dicht mogelijk tegen mijn borst op te krullen bij mijn hart. Ik heb dit kleine nummer dat ik soms voor hem zing (ik spaar je de teksten), en hij spint en spint en legt zijn gezicht op de mijne.

Meerdere keren per dag kus ik elk van mijn katten tussen de ogen terwijl ik ze vertel dat ik van ze hou. Ze zijn hier niet blij mee, maar ze verdragen het.

Voor mijn eigen verjaardag een jaar leas ik een verkenner en nam ik hem mee op een picknick – alleen hij en ik. Ik bestelde Chinese afhalen en we zaten aan een picknicktafel in een park.

Een keer reisde Scout naar Duluth (Minn.) Met mij voor een sollicitatiegesprek. Ik bestelde roomservice in het hotel – zalm – zodat hij kon delen.

Mijn katten krijgen kerstcadeautjes van hun ‘grootouders’ en hun ‘ooms’. Ze nemen deel aan verjaardagen en openingen voor vakantiegeschenk en familiebijeenkomsten.

Slechts een paar dagen geleden was ik online op zoek naar biologische kattenbedden. Ik vond die in solid rood voor Beamer, het polka-dot patroon voor Scout.

Als ik geen borderline ben gekke kattenvrouw of op zijn minst iemand die van haar katten houdt en waardeert, dan weet ik niet zeker wat het betekent om van een huisdier te houden.

Mijn katten zijn in alle opzichten een deel van mijn familie.

Foto van Beamer door Tawna Whitford

Foto van Scout door Tawna Whitford

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